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Version: v4.17

Upgrading to Rindo v4.0.0

Getting Started​

We recommend that you only upgrade to Rindo v4 from Rindo v3. If you're a few versions behind, we recommend upgrading one major version at a time (from v1 to v2, then v2 to v3, finally v3 to v4). This will minimize the number of breaking changes you have to deal with at the same time.

For projects that are on Rindo v3, install the latest version of Rindo v4: npm install @rindo/core@4

Updating Your Code​

New Configuration Defaults​

Starting with Rindo v4.0.0, the default configuration values have changed for a few configuration options. The following sections lay out the configuration options that have changed, their new default values, and ways to opt-out of the new behavior (if applicable).


TypeScript projects have the ability to specify a path aliases via the paths configuration in their tsconfig.json like so:

"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@utils": ["src/utils/index.ts"]

In the example above, "@utils" would be mapped to the string "src/utils/index.ts" when TypeScript performs type resolution. The TypeScript compiler does not however, transform these paths from their keys to their values as a part of its output. Instead, it relies on a bundler/loader to do the transformation.

The ability to transform path aliases was introduced in Rindo v3.1.0 as an opt-in feature. Previously, users had to explicitly enable this functionality in their rindo.config.ts file with transformAliasedImportPaths:

rindo.config.ts - enabling 'transformAliasedImportPaths' in Rindo v3.1.0
import { Config } from '@rindo/core';

export const config: Config = {
transformAliasedImportPaths: true,
// ...

Starting with Rindo v4.0.0, this feature is enabled by default. Projects that had previously enabled this functionality that are migrating from Rindo v3.1.0+ may safely remove the flag from their Rindo configuration file(s).

For users that run into issues with this new default, we encourage you to file a new issue on the Rindo GitHub repo. As a workaround, this flag can be set to false to disable the default functionality.

rindo.config.ts - disabling 'transformAliasedImportPaths' in Rindo v4.0.0
import { Config } from '@rindo/core';

export const config: Config = {
transformAliasedImportPaths: false,
// ...

For more information on this flag, please see the configuration documentation


Introduced in Rindo v2.18.0, transformAliasedImportPathsInCollection is a configuration flag on the dist output target. transformAliasedImportPathsInCollection transforms import paths, similar to transformAliasedImportPaths. This flag however, only enables the functionality of transformAliasedImportPaths for collection output targets.

Starting with Rindo v4.0.0, this flag is enabled by default. Projects that had previously enabled this functionality that are migrating from Rindo v2.18.0+ may safely remove the flag from their Rindo configuration file(s).

For users that run into issues with this new default, we encourage you to file a new issue on the Rindo GitHub repo. As a workaround, this flag can be set to false to disable the default functionality.

rindo.config.ts - disabling 'transformAliasedImportPathsInCollection' in Rindo v4.0.0
import { Config } from '@rindo/core';

export const config: Config = {
outputTargets: [
type: 'dist',
transformAliasedImportPathsInCollection: false,
// ...
// ...

For more information on this flag, please see the dist output target's documentation.

In Browser Compilation Support Removed​

Prior to Rindo v4.0.0, components could be compiled from TSX to JS in the browser. This feature was seldom used, and has been removed from Rindo. At this time, there is no replacement functionality.

Legacy Context and Connect APIs Removed​

Previously, Rindo supported context and connect as options within the @Prop decorator. Both of these APIs were deprecated in Rindo v1 and are now removed.

@Prop({ context: 'config' }) config: Config;
@Prop({ connect: 'fml-menu-controller' }) lazyMenuCtrl: Lazy<MenuController>;

Legacy Browser Support Removed​

In Rindo v3.0.0, we announced the deprecation of IE 11, pre-Chromium Edge, and Safari 10 support. In Rindo v4.0.0, support for these browsers has been dropped (for a full list of supported browsers, please see our Browser Support policy).

By dropping these browsers, a few configuration options are no longer valid in a Rindo configuration file:


The extras.__deprecated__cssVarsShim option caused Rindo to include a polyfill for CSS variables. This field should be removed from a project's Rindo configuration file (rindo.config.ts).


The extras.__deprecated__dynamicImportShim option caused Rindo to include a polyfill for the dynamic import() function for use at runtime. This field should be removed from a project's Rindo configuration file (rindo.config.ts).


The extras.__deprecated__safari10 option would patch ES module support for Safari 10. This field should be removed from a project's Rindo configuration file (rindo.config.ts).


The extras.__deprecated__shadowDomShim option would check whether a shim for shadow DOM was needed in the current browser, and include one if so. This field should be removed from a project's Rindo configuration file (rindo.config.ts).

Legacy Cache Stats Config Flag Removed​

The enableCacheStats flag was used in legacy behavior for caching, but has not been used for some time. This flag has been removed from Rindo's API and should be removed from a project's Rindo configuration file (rindo.config.ts).

Drop Node 14 Support​

Rindo no longer supports Node 14. Please upgrade local development machines, continuous integration pipelines, etc. to use Node v16 or higher. For the full list of supported runtimes, please see our Support Policy.

Information Included in docs-json Expanded​

For Rindo v4 the information included in the output of the docs-json output target was expanded to include more information about the types of properties and methods on Rindo components.

For more context on this change, see the documentation for the new supplementalPublicTypes option for the JSON documentation output target.


The JSON-formatted documentation for an @Event now includes a field called complexType which includes more information about the types referenced in the type declarations for that property.

Here's an example of what this looks like for the fmlBreakpointDidChange event on the Modal component in Family Framework:

"complexType": {
"original": "ModalBreakpointChangeEventDetail",
"resolved": "ModalBreakpointChangeEventDetail",
"references": {
"ModalBreakpointChangeEventDetail": {
"location": "import",
"path": "./modal-interface",
"id": "src/components/modal/modal.tsx::ModalBreakpointChangeEventDetail"


The JSON-formatted documentation for a @Method now includes a field called complexType which includes more information about the types referenced in the type declarations for that property.

Here's an example of what this looks like for the open method on the Select component in Family Framework:

"complexType": {
"signature": "(event?: UIEvent) => Promise<any>",
"parameters": [
"tags": [
"name": "param",
"text": "event The user interface event that called the open."
"text": "The user interface event that called the open."
"references": {
"Promise": {
"location": "global",
"id": "global::Promise"
"UIEvent": {
"location": "global",
"id": "global::UIEvent"
"HTMLElement": {
"location": "global",
"id": "global::HTMLElement"
"return": "Promise<any>"

Additional Packages​

To ensure the proper functioning of other @rindo/ packages, it is advisable for projects utilizing any of the packages mentioned below to upgrade to the minimum package version specified.

PackageMinimum Package VersionGitHubDocumentation
@rindo/sass3.0.10GitHubGitHub README
@rindo/store2.0.1GitHubRindo Doc Site
@rindo/react-output-target0.5.1GitHubRindo Doc Site
@rindo/kdu-output-target0.8.1GitHubRindo Doc Site