Components without a Framework
Integrating a component built with Rindo to a project without a JavaScript framework is straight forward. If you're using a simple HTML page, you can add your component via a script tag. For example, if we published a component to npm, we could load the component through a CDN like this:
<script src=""></script>
Alternatively, if you wanted to take advantage of ES Modules, you could include the components using an import statement.
<script type="module">
import { defineCustomElements } from '';
Passing object props from a non-JSX element​
Setting the prop manually​
import { Prop } from '@rindo/core';
export class TodoList {
@Prop() myObject: object;
@Prop() myArray: Array<string>;
const todoListElement = document.querySelector('todo-list');
todoListElement.myObject = {};
todoListElement.myArray = [];
Watching props changes​
import { Prop, State, Watch } from '@rindo/core';
export class TodoList {
@Prop() myObject: string;
@Prop() myArray: string;
@State() myInnerObject: object;
@State() myInnerArray: Array<string>;
componentWillLoad() {
parseMyObjectProp(newValue: string) {
if (newValue) this.myInnerObject = JSON.parse(newValue);
parseMyArrayProp(newValue: string) {
if (newValue) this.myInnerArray = JSON.parse(newValue);
<todo-list my-object="{}" my-array="[]"></todo-list>